Tuesday, September 18, 2007

In the beginning...

This blog started out as a way for me to experiment with a book idea that has been ruminating in my brain for months (having something in your brain for that long can sometimes cause headaches and just general discomfort). The basic idea of the book was to have each day of the year on its own page and have that day represented by an actor or actress who was born on that day (sorry for such a redundant sentence that kept repeating itself). Then I would pick my favorite performance of said actor and actress in a movie and write a short review of that film. The idea of the book transformed itself into a possible day-to-day throw away calendar (Far Side style). So at times I will be using this blog as research for my book/calendar. I have written this in the public doman and therefore I have sole copyrights. I am, however, multi-faceted.

I began by titling my blog "Movie Nerd," but then I realized that just writing about my movie obsession might become boring (to others and myself) at times. So I hereby pledge to rant and rave about other things as well. Please feel free to pass along suggestions if there's a particular subject on which you would like my opinion. I have a feeling most of posts will center around movies, sports, books and my life.

For those of you that truly consider me to be an anonymous nobody allow me to explain. I currently live in Encinitas (north San Diego) with my wife and daughter. There will probably be some ramblings about the experiences of fatherhood since it's new to me (Lyla is five days away from turning 8 months). I am an unemployed teacher that spends his afternoons hoping to get a call from a computer offering me a substitute position for the next day. I finished my teacher credential program at the end of the last school year and quickly found that getting a job in this area is as impossible as keeping my daughter on a consistent schedule (or doing the subtitling for a Sylvester Stallone movie). Anyway, I have said my piece so I will leave off with, to be continued...


Lauren Brooks said...

Welcome to the blogging world my darling! And you are definitely a SOMEBODY. At least in my eyes.

Love your wife,


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to reading more about your writings...you write well, little cousin. Love, Jared, Brad and Spence

Nourishing Relationships said...

Creative ideas often start as little headaches - go for it.

Anonymous said...

Keep it going...I look forward to hearing more. Ramblings of a Nobody may be okay for the blogging world who does not "YET" know of you, but to me, it will be Ramblings of a Writer. a.b.

Rachael said...

Hey Ben,

Great to see your Blog! How exciting!
Tell me your thoughts on Cary Grant...I'm in love with him and would like to take a time machine back to marry him...

Hope all is going well!

Take care,
Ray Ray